Friday, December 19, 2008

Level 9 21 pushupsx4
30 minutes
19 December (374 cal)

Woke up with what appears to be the beginnings of a cold. (And yesterday was an off-day...)

Scratchy throat and all-around fatigue, so I dropped the intensity down a notch. I think part of it is the crap lunches I've had this week. Another is the fact that my in-laws are preparing the meals for us. They're good cooks, and their dishes taste wonderful, but I really don't think what they make is as nutritious as what I make.

There is no easy way around this. I think my only option is to dust off the blender and start getting Spirutein again, at least while they're here.

And another thing I need to do is get to bed at 10, and stop watching the Rockford Files--that's what the DVR is for, stupid.

I had planned to ride all the way through Tuesday because I'll be gone until Saturday the 27th, but I will wait until tomorrow and reassess that.

4x25 at FSI.

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